Hi, I already wrote about this some time back, but I thought it concerned the Automat. I was advised to remove my .db files to fix the issue. As annoying as that was, I kept doing it every time the issue appeared. It recently occurred to me that I only had to remove one .db file to make it work again. I discovered that the issue is being caused by "MyFreeFarm_Berater.db" and not "MyFreeFarm_Automat.db", which sheds new light onto the issue. I'm hoping, with the data provided, it can be soon fixed. Thanks, V.
Das Problem tritt bei mir nur auf wenn der Rechner resettet oder durch Stromausfall abgeschaltet wird. Wird der Browser normal beendet ist alles gut. Ich mach immer mal ein Backup der Datenbank mit einer batch Datei.
The problem only occurs when the computer is reset or switched off by a power failure. If the browser is closed normally, everything is fine. I always make a backup of the database with a batch file.
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set ffInifile=%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\profiles.ini set timetemp=%time::=% set myMFFDir=D:\MFF_Sicherung\Fire\%date%_%timetemp%\%%J\ SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
for /f "tokens=2 delims=/" %%A in ('findstr "Path" %ffInifile%') do ( for /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 delims=." %%I in ("%%A") do ( if exist "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%I.%%J\gm_scripts" ( xcopy "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%%I.%%J\gm_scripts" "%myMFFDir%" /I /Y /S /E ) ) ) timeout /t 2